Niels Bohr (1922 nobel prize winner, theorist about atomic structure, and overall good person) once said that “The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth.”
What does this statement mean to you? Why is it an extremely important quote to understand if you are a scientist or an 8th grade student learning about science? Respond to this blog here and/or turn in a copy of your statement to your instructor by September 4th. You may respond to another person's posting when you get the chance.
This quote is important to understand because once you find one truth does not always mean it is the only truth. One truth can lead to another and that is how many great inventions were formed. It is what keeps us finding new truths and discovering more.
This quote is important to understand because if you find a truth about something then that can lead to another truth and so on. So the more truths found the greater the chance of finding more truths in the future. The more truths find the more invention can be made. This is how we discover more things.
This quote is important because if you find a truth you may also find a false. Each truth and false you find you discover something new. Each new thing you discover can lead to even more great, new inventions. A truth can lead to more truths. However, if you find a false you may be headed towards another false.
This quote is important because if you find a truth, it will unravel more truths. Just because something is said to be a truth, does not mean it is still the truth. It can be false. If you find a false, you can find more falses. And the more truths you find, the more creations can be discovered and made.
I believe that this quote is important because falses lead to more falses and truths lead to more truths. There is a deeper meaning to the opposite of a profound truth. Meaning that the profound truth can lead to new and exciting inventions. I agree with this quote. This quote encourages scientists and all to keep on going and lead to new discoveries.
This quote is important because if someone finds a truth and tells everyone, it does not mean that it is the only one to be found. There is always more to be discovered. The more truths that we may find can help us in creating helpful every day things. We can create medicines and helpful technology. The more truths we find the more helpful inventions we can make.
This quote is important to understand because if you are a scientist or an 8th grader it boils down to the same thing, when you find a profound truth, you fin another and another, leading to a chain reaction. So you're on a roll and there is no end to what you can do.
I think this quote is important because interpreting, truth and understanding truth allows you to become a better person. Through truth comes success and other important goals. By thinking about the opposite of truth you can question if truth is interpreted from different views. If one mans truth is another man false. This quote makes one reflect on themselves and think for a deeper meaning.
It is important to understand this quote because, when you find a truth, you find a false. Finding one truth can lead to finding many more truths which would also lead to finding more faults. Many inventions have been created from one truth leading to another. We discover new things bye finding new truths. Also, we know that if we find a false, we can always find the truth to it.
I think this quote is important because once one truth or answer is found, it usually leads to other truths. This keeps happening until the big picture's answer is found. The same occurs with false statements. With false statements, you go backwards until you find a truth.
This quote is important to understand because statements are black and white. Right or wrong. In the mean time, truths are always in the gray area. A truth can be drastically changed when traveling from one person to the next. One gray truth can lead to another gray truth, so on and so forth. So, the more truths revealed, the more uncertainty is created.
I think this quote is important because truth leads to more truth, while false leads to more false. Basically, if you find a truth you are more likely to find another truth. This quote is inspirational because it encourages scientists to never give up and explore possibilities and new inventions.
To me, the quote means that although one may believe that they have found the correct solution to a problem. That does not necessarily mean that there is not another solution which also produces a correct outcome. The main importance of this quote is that you must never stop at the first solution because it may lead to more than you would have ever expected.
This quote is important to understand because something can be turn but that does not mean that it is completely true. And sometimes the part of the truth that is false could have come to great ideas or inventions.
I think this quote is important because it show that there is almost always an alternate solution to a hypothesis. Just because you get one thing, doesn't mean that there is not another solution. In fact, there could be a better solution. This is important especially to us because it is telling us that we need to keep thinking and not say were done when we get one satisfying answer.
This quote is important to understand because if you find a truth that seems like its the perfect explanation to the problem or question you are trying to answer. It does not mean that is the only answer to the problem or question you are asking. There could be many more answers that are equally as great or in some cases even better. This is how many new ideas are found and or invented.
Niels Bohr's statement means to me that we may make factual errors which will be corrected; however, we can unwittingly create profound, important statements. This is an important statement to understand if one is a scientists because it shows that, while they may be factually correct, they may learn a profound, emotional truth from one not as educated. This is a lesson that can be applied to many walks of life. As an 8th grade student learning about science, it allows me to never give up, even when I seem to be failing. I may be just around the corner to discovering a great, emotional truth.
This quote is important because when you work for th truth and you discover it, you succeeded but once you discover it another question arrises that you need to find the truth about. Sometimes finding the truth isen't enough and only by finding the truth again and again you can answer.
This quote is important to understand because one person who thinks that something is absolutely true may not true. If science can prove that there are more things to that persons theory, could make a whole different statement. It may unravel more truths to what's really behind one truth.
Niels Bohr
Niels Bohr’s quote saying “The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth” means, in my opinion, that if we answer something incorrect, it is false. But if we tell the truth, we might have to tell it again to someone else who wants to hear.
It is important as a student in an 8th grade science class because science is about true and false statements.
This statement is important to me because it is important to be open to other points of view. Anybody can judge a person from their perspective on subjects. However, if you really listen to what they have to say, there is so much more knowledge to be gained. In addition, those who think for themselves are able to be more successful than those who follow. A statement is black and white, but a truth has many sides to it.
This quote is very meaningful and important because it shows many meanings. If there is a true statement, there is also false statement. These help create new statements and so on.
This quote is very important to understand because of this reason. If you discover a truth, you will unravel another truth. What my main point is, is that the way we get more inventions is by adding to the truths that we already know. If we find a false we could build from that knowledge as well
To me this quote means that you can make a statment that is false about something, but still be correct about something else. Serendipty plays a big part in our lifes, we just have to be aware and learn from our mistakes so that maybe we can discover something remarkable.
This quote exhibits a vital lesson that we should always remember. Every individual has their own truths. Every single person lives and thrives, one way or another, in a different situation than anyone else. We think different thoughts, love different things, and choose to exist in our own unique way. Therefore, every person will have their own truth. Consequently, it is extremely likely that many people will have contradicting philosophies.
This quote is important because if you find one truth the opposite is not always necessarily bad. One good truth can lead to many other good truths. One false can lead to many false statements but can also end up being true. If you find one good truth and then get a false you start over so you can find two truths. This is how scientists discover new things and come up with new theories.
This quote is important because there is not just one solution to a problem if someone discovers a solution it may open a door to another one of the same type or to a completely different problem but just because someone came upon a truth does not grant them another he or she has to work for it yes someone could find a truth by looking for a completely different one
To me, this quote means that there is no such thing as a false truth. Once you find something out and prove it is true it can not be wrong. If you are a scientist or 8th grader, the quote is important because it explains that a truth can not lead to failure.Therefore, a truth can lead to another truth. Instead of making statements, use what you know is true and you will not be wrong.
This quote is important to understand as an eighth grade student studying science because once you discover one truth you are not done. You should keep working until enough truths are found. When a new idea is created one should keep researching until many truths are found to create a better and more correct idea. Good ideas are the buiding blocks to great inventions and explanations to events.
From my perspective, Niels Bohr is trying to explain that there are more than 1 possible solutions to a problem. Scientists need to use this fact when searching for answers. If you find one correct answer, that does not mean that you should settle on it. Keep digging deeper and look for more truths. This statement encourages people of all ages to look for more than one answer, even if you have already found a right solution. 8th grade students learning about science should use this advice in every experiment we do. We should not find one correct answer and settle, but keep questioning and testing more.
This quote explains that there is never one correct answer in science. Something could be thought to "be supported" but in the near future, it could be unsupported. The more information leads to more support, where as less information leads to less support.
This quote is important to understand because in science there is not always only one solution to a problem. When you find one answer, you should still keep searching for more, because it may lead to a new invention. If each truth leads you to another, then you will uncover many new truths that will expand our scientific knowledge. People should never stop at one solution because there may be many better ones to find.
I feel that this quote is of immense value to any scientist regardless of age for two reasons. The first reason for which I feel this way is that discovering a profound truth does not mean you can end your inquiries. You must take the opposite of your discovery and compare why certain things are the way they are. Through this process much more information can be attained. The second reason for which I feel this way is that if the opposite of one truth can be another, then several other truths can change. We cannot assume anything, we must continue to experiment and discover.
this quote has many important reasons behind it one reason would be that there is more than one idea to resolve a problem cause most things that are discovered usually have more than one use or meaning to it if the person who discovers it only knows one truth about it then another could discover another truth to the problem also it would show people that there are many questions to be answered in science which as we keep moving into the future they will slowly be all answered
This statement is important to know because of its meaning. To me, this means that a stated fact is definite and singular in its truthfulness, but a profound truth can be opposite of another profound truth. This is important to know as an 8th grader because we do not want to mistake our opinions for the only right side of a story. Scientists should know this because, for example, if they have an argument, both sides of the argument may be correct.
This quote is important because when you are gave the truth you have no idea what is or whats not the whole truth. The more that we tell the truth the more that we can get ahead in life. More and more inventions and new ideas will be found and invented. The profound truth is something that we can see more in depth, more details and the opposite of that is more and more details.
This quote is important because it states that there is more than one truth, though they may be the opposite of each other, its still a truth.
I think this quote is important to understand because even though you may have found a truth, doesn't mean there isn't more than one. One truth leads to another, and then another, and then another, creating a series of truths that lead to new ideas and questions. It's the reason we keep thinking.
This quote is important to understand, because when you find a truth, the chance of finding more and more truths is more likely. So, you can find and discover truths that can lead to more deeper meanings of things and finding a path to success. But, not all truths just lead to truths, it can lead to false things. That is why this quote shows that people should keep on trying and discovering in a different light.
This quote, to me, is important because it tells that when you find one thing out, it will lead to more and more. If you find a truth, it will most likely lead to more truths that will hopefully, help you. If you find a false, it will lead to more falses that will help you too because you learn from your mistakes.
This quote is important to understand because in science, there are always multiple truths and answers to every situation. Niels Bohr is trying to explain that one solution can lead to many more solutions. In 8th grade science, we should always follow this example by looking beyond and keep adding to our discoveries. In addition, everything has many different sides and we should take the time to learn as many as we can.
To me, Niels Bohr is telling us to keep our minds open and think outside the box. A modern day example of this is, the Post-it Note. My dad told me that 3M, the inventor of Post-it Notes, originally was trying to invent a new super sticky glue. It failed, so some of the scientists used the glue to temporarily stick notes on papers without causing any damage. Someone finally realized how useful this "mistake" was, and 3M began selling Post-it Notes to the public. It was a huge success. In this example, the wrong answer turned out to be the correct answer to another question. As an eigth grade student, this quote is telling me to keep my mind open when I am working on experiments so that I realize that what might be a failure is also useful information.
To me, This statement implies that pure data can be considered false or true but more philosophical issues can be debated using morals. This is important to understand because in some science situations, there is no right or wrong answer, YOU have to decide what to believe.
This quote is important because as an eighth grade student or as a scientist one must continually strive to find new and different truths. We must learn from our mistakes along the way and constantly seek new and different solutions. As a result, valuable discoveries are made.
This quote is important because if you find an answer there will most likey be many other solutions to your problem. Also, if you find a correct solution than what comes after that will most likey be correct as well. They will most likey be correct because the answers after that are based on the first answer unless there is a mistake made in a problem after that. I false answer is found than every single statement after that must be false. They all must be false because all of the false answers after that are based on the the first false answer found.
This quote is important for a scientist because once you find a truth, that means that there will be another truth so scientists know that there experiment is endless. This is why there are great inventions made, because conclusions lead to bigger conclusions until finally you have a great invention. 8th graders learning about science should keep trying even after failure. If people just quit after failure than many invention would never be part of today.
this quote is important because the truth hey say may not be true and the opposite of the truth may be the real truth. there are lot of possible answers and all may be the truth. for a science teacher and 8th grade student is important to them because when you do an experiment you have to analyze both answers before you decide what the real answer.
This quote is important because you don't always find a truth and in those times when you don't you can start over and try again. Once you find a truth that one will lead to another. If you find a false it may mean you are close to finding a truth and vice versa.
this quote is important because the truth hey say may not be true and the opposite of the truth may be the real truth. there are lot of possible answers and all may be the truth. for a science teacher and 8th grade student is important to them because when you do an experiment you have to analyze both answers before you decide what the real answer.
This quote is important because one idea isn't always the only idea. If you keep gaining more knowledge, one truth won't always be the option. Multiple truths will help the world and its society understand every angle of a situation. (Mr. Sitz, this is nick if the my google username shows up).
I believe that if you think you have found the truth you should look at it in a different way to see if you can come up with a different answer. One truth opens a door to another and another. People in the future will reflect on what we found in today's age and reevaluate,reform and discover the truths of the past present and future.
This quote is important to understand because it shows that finding one truth can sometimes lead you in the direction of another. This is also an example of how you can never be sure about something and that there is always more to learn. This how scientists keep on expanding on new theories and ideas.
This quote is important because it is an example on how a correct statement may not always be the only answer to a question. It also shows how one answer or discovery leads to the next and so on. This quote shows how through mistakes in life and science we find the right answers.
This quote is important to understand because not everything can be true. If you find one truth then that will lead too more. Also it is important to understand that not all true facts are intact the truth. As 8th grade students i think its important to know this because somethings can be false and we don't know it, we have too understand to double check everything. This helps us to discover more truths.
The quote is important to understand because even if you have found "the truth", it doesn't mean there isn't more to that truth. There can be other sides or opinions or views on one thing that are all true.
This quote is important because i believe in situations there is always more then one side to things. This is a very important lesson in life because sometimes you can benefit from putting yourself in someone else's shoes. You can relate this to school life because while doing an assignment or in class situation, it is helpful to think outside the box, and realize different people have different perspectives on things.
This quote is important because if you find a truth, there are more perspectives of the truth. For example, if you are holding a cube, from one point it might look like a square, whereas if you point the corner towards you, it might look like a hexagon with three lines coming to the center. It shows that what you are saying is true, but that you can look all the way around the cube, or whatever topic it is.
This quote is important because if when you find somethig that is true, there can also be other truths that are the opposite of your truth. So this means that one thing can lead to another that can benifit everyone. After this is doe many times their is more than what you started with.
When Niels Bohr made this declaration he meant that most times in the real world, and the science classroom, when you find one truth you have to continuously attempt to discover different truths from all viewpoints. Also, when presented with two sides of a story this quote demonstrates that both sides can be true but in different ways. In Science this shows that if you do an experiment and what you are trying to prove turns out to be true then you can not automatically assume the other option is false, you must perform a multitude of other tests to unravel the profound truth. To conclude, this quote shows that we as students and later in our adult life need to keep an open mind about all ideas and listen to everyones idea's because even if your answer to the question is true it does not mean the other option is false.
To me, this statement means that a profound truth is neither right nor wrong. If there is the opposite of something, that usually means one is right and one is wrong. For example, Niels Bohr says “The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement.” The correct statement is right, the false statement is wrong. A profound truth, however, is neither right nor wrong. This is because the opposite of a profound truth is another profound truth. When we discover new information, a profound truth that used to be completely believed might be said to be not true because a new profound truth might be discovered. This is how the opposite of a profound truth is another profound truth. When further information is discovered, the two seemingly contradictory truths are combined to make one final profound truth. To me, as a 8th grade student, this tells me that truth is truth, and I cannot try to change the truth to benefit me. Also, this tells me that if there is more than one answer to a problem, one is not right and the other wrong. They are both solutions, and, while one might be more practical than the other, they are both right.
This statement makes me think deeper about what is true. It forces me to think about what is correct, and pay attention to details. This quote is important to comprehend when you are studying science. It is important to understand that there can be many truths; but only a single correct statement; that is only if it is inclusive. For instance it is true that water boils at 100 C. It is also true that water boils at 95 C. But to say that water boils at 100 C would not be a correct statement because it is not always true. At a higher altitude this would be false. A correct statement would be that water boils at 100 C when it is at sea level. This would be correct because it includes all the related conditions.
This quote is important to understand because a profound truth can have either a small or large meaning. Profound truths leads you to more truths which makes you grow more intellectually and as a person.
This quote is saying that someone might be saying the truth but he/her might be lying and the person that is lying might be telling the truth.
This quote is important to understand as a student/learner. Profound means of deep meaning, and truth means an agreed upon fact. Therefore, a profound truth is an idea that has been largely analyzed and agreed upon many people. Profound truths can be argued meaning it might not be believed by everyone. An example of a profound truth is when most people used to believe that the world was flat. The opposite of a profound truth such as this one may be another profound truth such as the later discover that the world is round. Maybe someday we will find another profound truth that will contradict this. Learners must understand that they must listen to different opinions and be open to other profound truths.
This quote is important because there is always more than one truth. Everything somebody may say will not always be the truth. When there is a true statement, there is also a false one.
To me, this quote means that there can always be more than one truth. Everyone has a different outlook on different situations. With different people come different backgrounds, which result in opinions and perspective to differ. Even if one thinks they have the correct solution, there could always be different solutions that are just as good or even better. It is extremely important to understand this quote as an 8th grade student and as a scientist for multiple reasons. It is necessary to consider others opinion and thoughts, so then one can formulate an opinion with much more information and perspective. Also, it demonstrates that making mistakes is a good thing. Mistakes are meant to be learned from and can help in future situations.
This quote is important to learn from because if you discover one truth it can lead to millions of more truths. This is how great ideas are formed and how great inventions are made.
This quote means that there isn't only one answer to a question. You can always learn something new. For example, after proving something to be true,the "opposite" of that statement will be false. You can always expand your knowledge and learn answers to questions you don't even think to ask.
This quote is important for an 8th grade science student to understand because when you are young you learn how to appreciate difference beliefs and opinions. Learners need to be open to the possibility of more than one right answer. Science is not always as black and white as other subjects. This quote suggests that things may be not what they seem. In the future science may present facts and find discoveries that present new information leading to new truths.
This quote is important because if you discover something that is true, you may come upon something else that is either true or false. Whether it is true or false, it doesn't matter, because everything you find out helps with more and more discoveries. Also if you discover something that is true you can find many other true facts and statements about that topic.
Htis quote is important for many reasons. It means that their is always an opposite to an answer. Also, that profound truths lead to other truths. These truths help us discover new things
This quote is important to understand because it means that the answer may be one truth, but that might not be the only one. A true statement is always true and a false statement is always false, but a profound truth is neither wrong nor right. This is how future ideas are developed.
This quote is important to understand as an 8th grader because in science, there is often more than one answer. Not everything in science is black and white. Also, when you find out one truth or one lie, then it will most likely lead to other truths or other lies.
This quote is important because sometimes when you think you have found the truth you really have only found half of it. If you kept on searching for more you might find something better. As an 8th grader this is important to know because if you just stop when you think you have found the truth you will never find the real truth.
This quote is important because there is always more then 1 side to every story some true some not true. It is your job to find out what is the truth and what is false.
This quote is saying what the truth is, might not be the truth. If this is the truth, then you are finished on your path. If this is not the truth, then you must continue down the path to find another truth, only to hope that is true. This is important to School Teachers and 8th Grade students because it makes them more careful to not seek another alternative as the actual truth, and not the one they have found.
This means that when you experiment, you find many truths. But, when you mess up the experiment, you also learn a lot from your mistakes. This is important because when learning about science, doing procedures correctly and incorrectly can teach very different things.
I think the importance of this quote is that there are many truths, and the importance of a truth is not the singular truth itself, but it is discovering more truths, new ideas, and new visions and views on the world. I think that this statement also encourages people to be open-minded and face different or new ideas with enthusiasm and little bias.
There are two main points in this statement that I see that make it of value to all scientists. The first one is that the opposite of a correct statement is an incorrect statement. If person A answers a problem correctly on a test, person B may answer incorrectly. The answer of person B is the opposite of the answer of person A, so the statement of person B is incorrect. The second statement of value is that the opposite of one profound truth may be another profound truth. Just because somebody has discovered a profound truth, it does not mean that the opposite of that discovery is automatically false. The conclusion people should draw from this is that despite the fact that humans may never know everything about any given topic, humans should still try to discover new things about this topic, uncovering more profound truths and more knowledge.
This quote is important because there are always two sides to a story and you may not know the whole truth. Parts that may seem false could be true, but parts that seem true could be false. You must keep your mind open and learn from your mistakes. That is how many ideas and invention are formed. It takes time to realize the truth, but by then new discoveries have been found.
This quote is important to understand because a truth can lead to another truth. This is how new inventions and ideas are formed. However a false may lead to another false and it can help us to be smarter too. If you were creating an invention and found something was true you could use it. If it was false you could try to find more truths and know that the false wouldn't work.
This quote is important to understand for many reasons. First, it means that some things are true and some are false and you don't always know what is or isn't. Secondly, when you find out something that is true, it usually does't end right there, with one true statement. It usually creates more and more true statements. If you just stop and think something is absolutely false, you might give up and never keep going to find out what is true! For eighth graders and scientists, this is super important because experimenting is part of science, so you need to have patience for the truth and not to stop when there is failure. Finally, this leads to discovering inventions and creations, that you would have never known.
This quote is important to understand because it is how many things have been discovered in history. It means that when you have found a truth, it will lead to new discoveries. It can also mean that you should not be satisfied with discovering one thing on a certain topic, you should try to discover more using the knowledge you have already unraveled.
To me this statement means that the profound truth is subjective and open to interpretation. A true and false statement is right or wrong which cant be argued. A profound truth is up to interpretation and can be argued. This is important for me to know as an 8th grade student because the profound truth can not be proven. But in science you need to be able to prove a true or false statement.
I think this quote is important to understand for many reasons. I think it is first important to understand because it is saying that the more truths and falses you discover it will lead to more great inventions. I also think it means that if you find one truth it will lead to more and more truths, which can be very helpful to making great experiments and discovering new things everyday. It is also saying that once you find a false you must must go backwards to find that truth in the false.
This quote means to me that one truth can lead to another truth. This is how many ideas and different inventions have been made. Also, a profound truth is a deep thought or truth. One profound truth may lead to even deeper thought and this is how scientist basically work. If a statement is false you have to keep on trying till you get correct ideas.
What this quote means to me is that a wrong answer isn't necessarily wrong. A wrong answer could open the door to hundreds of other questions that could lead you to the correct answer. Just because your conclusion doesn’t answer the question, it could always answer another question or lead you to a correct answer. As eight grade scientists, we should use this example in mind to always keep an open mind and never to settle on just one answer. You should always keep experimenting and keep learning.
It is important for scientists, and 8th grade science students, to understand this quote because we need to know that just because we find one solution, doesn't mean there isn't another. It is important to consider all the possibilities in life. The more profound a question is the harder it will be to answer.
This quote means that there are many truths. The reason our knowledge is constantly changing is because as we discover new information, we discover that it leads to another question. We can never fully understand the world because there is constantly something new to find out, something new to discover
I think this quote is important because it explains how there can be many true facts that may, in some ways, contradict each other. Because of this we need to continue to experiment and investigate scientific theories. As students studying science, we need to know that there is more to an experiment than true or false, yes or no. If an experiment confirms a theory, than that is not message to stop investigating, that is a message to investigate further. Do more experiments and make them more elaborate. In other words, never stop being curious ad asking questions because there are an infinite amount of truths in the world, and each one is the key to millions of others.
What this statement means to me is that one answer to a question is not always the only correct answer. There may be many correct answers on different circumstances/with different variables. This also means that an answer to a question is never completely correct and we can never fully understand an idea. Further research only creates new possibilities and an answer is never fully justified.
This statement is relevant and important for a scientist or an 8th grade student learning about science because it causes us to consider all possibilities and have some skepticism when doing scientific work.
This quote is important to a scientist or an 8th grader learning science because it describes how the world of science is always changing. One year, someone might find a "profound truth" and that becomes what everyone believes is true, but one year later, someone finds a "profound truth" that directly opposes the original profound truth.
This quote is important because if you find a truth, it can resolve many more truths, and so on. The more truths you find, the more you can find in the time to come, which is how more things are discovered.
To me, this quote means that when speaking of a profound truth, there is nothing that can be the opposite. Nothing can take the utmost fact and turn it into a lie. The astuteness of a truth can have infinite details, so deep that there are not enough opposites. The truth continues until one is too enervated to continue proving it. Anyone can use the profound truth of any subject to create and enhance whatever it may be.
I find this quote important because it teaches us that we don't know everything, and something we think is true can lead to another truth that proves the first one false. These infinite truths are always leading us to discover and gather more information about the world around us. This leads then to innovation which improves our way of life.
This quote is very important because when you find a profound truth, it means the opposite of a profound truth is another. To me, i see it as a profound truth is not goo, nor bad, a profound truth is just a statement that is true. So, if a truth is negative, and another truth is positive, they are opposites, but they are both still truths.
This quote means to me that even though you may go through several trial and errors, there can always be more room for improvement. Even when you may think an answer is wrong, it might open the door to several new discoveries and ideas. This is important for both an eight grader and a professional scientist to understand because this quote teaches us that everything doesn't always happen the way we think it will, and that there is always something new to discover.
Graham nitiss
The quote is important to understand because the truth is not always the TRUE truth. One truth may not be the only truth. Things are discovered when one truth leads to another, we discover tings.
This quote is important because it explains how their is never only one right answer and that we must keeps searching for all the answers if we want to know anything. I also agree with this quote and think all of us should follow it.
This quote is important to understand because a truth can lead to another truth. This is how new inventions and ideas are formed. However a false may lead to another false and it can help us to be smarter too. If you were creating an invention and found something was true you could use it. If it was false you could try to find more truths and know that the false wouldn't work.
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